
Welcome to the website of Mothers’ Union Peterborough.

A note from our president:

My Dear Friends,

I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer!

For me, the last six months have flown by! I have so enjoyed getting out and about the Diocese, visiting Branches and Deaneries as well as having an opportunity to meet with some Diocesan members. Thank you for making me feel so welcome!

Looking back over those six months you have continued to knit prayer rectangles – not only for our Prison outreach but for Baptism cards and certificates as well as cards to let friends know that we are thinking and praying for them – in happy times as well as sad. So, thank you – thank you for all the knitting you do: Blankets, Baby Clothes, Hats, Scarves just to name a few – you name it, I’m sure you can knit it!

Didn’t we have a lovely time at our Diocesan Festival! The sight of seeing all those Branch banners still gives me goosebumps! I was delighted to enrol Bishop Debbie, Vanessa and Andrew as Mothers’ Union members, during the service. We were also able to welcome Revd. Deborah as our Chaplain and present her with an MU stole.

Do have a look at the calendar for 2025 (on the website on the ‘What’s On’ page) do put the dates of Forum in your diary. It’s a time of coming together, sharing worship and finding out what is happening in the Diocese and beyond! Following the success of the Provincial Gathering, earlier this year, there is another one set for September 2025 – save the date!

Do join us for Global Day (November 25th) at the start of 16 Days of Activism. We will walk through the town centre in Peterborough until we reach St. John’s Church. Where we will hand out leaflets regarding Domestic Abuse. Then we will attend a short service led by Revd. Michelle Dalliston focussing on ‘No More 1 in 3’.

December will see the end of this Triennium! A huge thank you to the Vice Presidents and Trustees for their continued support, as well as to Jean, Sylvia and Revd. Deborah. We will start 2025 with a new Trustee board, as well as a new Provincial President and Worldwide President.

My final thanks go to you – thank you, for all that you do, for MU!

With Love,

Helen Lynett, Diocesan President