Mothers’ Union Prayer
Loving Lord,
we thank you for your love so freely given to us all.
We pray for families around the world.
Bless the work of the Mothers’ Union as we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life.
Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship, and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world.
In Jesus’ name.
Mary Sumner Prayer
All this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for thee; and every life I touch, do thou by thy spirit quicken, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I breathe, or the life I live.
Peterborough Diocese Mothers’ Union Prayers July to December 2024
Thank you to Jill Cannings, our Faith & Spirituality Community of Interest Lead, for writing these prayers.
Heavenly Father, lord of the Sabbath, we pray for times of rest and recuperation, to still the usual patterns of life and give rest and peace. We pray for children who have taken exams and may be going onto a new school, college, university or work. May they be inspired to take on new experiences and challenges. Keep them safe from all the unhelpful and damaging distractions of life. For those who have come to know you Lord, keep them close, and for those who do not, give them opportunities to explore life and faith. We pray for our own family members and pray they will have witnessed the love of Christ in us.
We pray for all families during the holiday period. This can be a time of fun and time spent together. It can also however be stressful for parents and other carers. We give thanks for the M U AFIA holidays and all those who make this possible by arranging or fundraising. We pray that we may again be inspired by our founder Mary Sumner as we near the 150th anniversary of our great worldwide charity. Bless our acts of worship and gatherings as we celebrate her life and seek to move forward inspired, by her passion to support Christian family life.
This can be a time for new beginnings. We pray for our clergy and their families. Sustain, strengthen and inspire them in their ministry. We pray for all those who offer their gifts in support of our churches and communities. As MU members guide and equip us to play our part. May we wear our badges with pride as we proclaim our faith in word and action. In our wave of prayer services we thank God for the
spread of faith and hope and joy across the world. We pray for our triennial MU service at the cathedral. May it be a time of great fellowship and inspiration.
As autumn comes let us wonder at the beauty of the seasons. The colours of the trees and miracle of God’s creation. We are also mindful of our impact on the environment. Severe weather seems more apparent for us. However, the impact can be devastating across the world. We pray for lives impacted by floods or storms and at the other extreme, fires and drought. Guide us to do what we can, to pray
purposefully and act responsibly. We give thanks for our diocesan president Helen and all who serve in any roles of responsibility. We pray that others will come forward to serve for the new triennial.
November is a season of Remembrance. First and foremost, we remember all that God has done for us. May each Eucharist be a real celebration and time to remember Christ’s sacrifice, to seek redemption and to move forward as Resurrection people. At All Saints and All Souls, we remember with thanks all those who have gone before us. We give thanks for their influence on our faith journeys. We give thanks for all we have loved and lost and commend them to God’s faithful
care. Comfort all who mourn. Remembrance Sunday remains so important as we remember those who have given their lives for our freedom. We are appalled by the ongoing images of war on our TV screens and continue to pray for Ukraine and the Middle East.
As we enter the season of Advent, we pray that we may hear afresh the messages from the well known scriptures and carols. Inspire our worship. So many people are walking in darkness without faith. May they be led to the light as they join us at various services and seasonal activities. We pray for those involved in children’s ministry in our churches and schools. We pray for all who will find this season
difficult for various reasons. Help us to be aware of the needs of others and respond in love. Light has come into the world and will not be extinguished.
Communicate Prayers January – June 2024
Communicate Prayers July – December 2023
Communicate Prayers January – June 2023
Wave of Prayer
Prayers for Mothers’ Union Committee Meetings
One reply on “Prayer”
Thank you for this wonderful compilation to help us in our daily walk with Christ and each other. A true blessing