
Arrangements for Global Day

Saturday 23rd November 2024

As we prepare for the joy of Christmas, Global Day allows us a time of reflection for families suffering various forms of violence and oppression.

This year we are continuing to build on our No more 1 in 3 campaign. This highlights the fact that 1 in 3 women around the world will suffer some form of abuse during their lifetime. We join with MU members across the world who will be holding events to show that such abuse is unacceptable.

We join with other agencies who are concerned about all forms of violence in families, including Human trafficking and Modern Day slavery.

We will hold a brief service / reflection in St John’s church Peterborough at 12 noon.

Practical plans

We plan to meet in Car Haven car park adjacent to the cathedral (Bishop’s Road PE1 1YX) at 10.45 a.m. It will be a busy time for Christmas shopping, but other car parks are available nearby. We will gather near the exit, next to the toilets. Please note they have changed their payment machines. Your registration is detected as you drive in, just park and pay on exit. You will be asked to enter your registration
number and it will tell you how much to pay. You can do that by card.

From about 11 am we will walk carefully along the pavement to Bridge Street, the busy, wide shopping street heading towards the Cathedral.

We will have some MU publicity, purple scarves and “no more 3 in 1 badges”, and purple ribbons. We and other agencies will hand out publicity materials or be prepared to share information about our concerns. This is a peaceful, awareness sharing event.

We turn left opposite the Cathedral to St John’s church. Others may wish to join us at the church. On arrival at the church, we will briefly stand outside to raise awareness with passers by. St John’s has an open coffee morning which we will be able to support for church funds and their chosen charities. At 12 noon a brief service/reflection will be led by Revd Michelle Dalliston. This will include the observation of 2 minutes silence in solidarity with others worldwide. All are welcome.

At the end we will not process back. People may wish to stop for a coffee, drink, light lunch or to do their shopping.

News Resources

Communicate Winter 2024

Communicate Winter 2024 (click to view)

News Past Events

Mothers’ Union Diocesan Festival 2024

After a really chilly week, Saturday 14th September dawned bright and sunny, and many cars and 2 ‘Hopper’ buses descended on Peterborough Cathedral for our Diocesan Festival.

Around 150 members attended, and all enjoyed watching 30 banners being processed up the centre aisle of the Cathedral, and being acknowledged by our new Bishop, Debbie Sellin. It was a wonderful occasion with Bishop Debbie presiding at the Eucharist service and also being enrolled as a member of the Mothers’ Union.

It was a packed service as not only did we have an enrolment but also the commissioning of Helen Lynett as Diocesan President for the next triennium (2025 – 2027), but also the commissioning of Revd. Deborah Marsh as the Mothers’ Union Chaplain for our diocese.

Helen had presented Deborah with a Mothers’ Union stole which she wore for the service.

The Mothers’ Union Provincial President of Canterbury, Kathryn Anderson, had also joined us for this special service and wore a dress and jacket which sported the MU logo all over. There was no mistaking Kathryn’s affiliation to our charity.

The Bishop preached about her connections to the Mothers’ Union throughout her life of ministry, having been based at Old Arlesford (the home of Mary Sumner), and working with members in Winchester Diocese and then visiting Burundi in Eastern Africa and seeing at first-hand how Mothers’ Union members work in the poorest of places to teach literacy and then business skills so families can have an income.

As with most Mothers’ Union meetings, the afternoon was rounded off with tea and cake, beautifully provided by Peterborough Diocese. A huge thank you to all the ladies who cooked, served and then cleared up behind us.

We can now look forward to our next visit to the Cathedral in 2026 when we celebrate 150 years of Mothers’ Union.

Past Events

Mary Sumner Day Celebrations in Kettering

The Members of Kettering MU joined together to give thanks for the life of our founder Mary Sumner at a service at St. Andrews Church Kettering. During the service Hilary Whitwell, Branch Leader of St Andrews enrolled four new members and welcomed back another into Tresham Branch. This was followed by a lovely afternoon tea with cakes of course.

Just after nine p.m. Sue Merrifield, Raymond and I walked to St Peter and Paul’s Church which was lit up with MU colours. It looked magnificent. MU shines out.

What a wonderful day


Communicate Spring 2024

Communicate Spring 2024 (click to view)