
UPDATE – Jill’s Walk for Mothers’ Union 2021

I have come up with the idea of virtually walking the length and breadth of the diocese. The distance north to south from Whissendine to Aynho is 135 kms.

West to East from Boddington to Eye is 80kms, making a total of 215 kms.

I started daily walks in Weymouth when staying with my daughter during the last lockdown and over Christmas and have continued once back home in Uppingham.

I have just completed 2 laps of the diocese and so have updated my just giving site.  If you would like to support or sponsor me please go to:

Jill Cannings is fundraising for Mothers’ Union (

And like Forrest Gump, I will just keep walking !!

The funds raised will contribute to our worldwide work and also work in the diocese. In particular, I would like to support AFIA (Away from it all). MU has traditionally sent families away on holidays by the sea. This may be possible this summer. However, in recent COVID circumstances they have offered flexible packages of support to families. The feedback has been amazing. I also want to support creating helpful packs for clergy to practically help them in their ministry.

Thank you for your support.

Jill Cannings