Past Events Resources

Inspired Folder April 2015

This folder has been compiled as a result of the Inspired Afternoon held on Saturday 13th September 2014. The feedback from the day was positive and everyone went home truly ‘inspired’.

All the project ideas brought to the afternoon have been placed into a variety of categories, which we hope are easily understood.

We hope you will adopt one or more of the ideas from the folder in your branch or deanery. Each page can be downloaded separately from the website.

Take a look at what is needed in your parish or community and see how Mothers’ Union could reach out.

Discuss with your members before you start on a project. Answer some simple questions. Are you able to meet the need? (time, members, funds). How will people know it is a Mothers’ Union project?

If the project is running in another branch, get in touch about the project.

Lastly, let the Action and Outreach Unit committee members know what you are doing, so that we can add it to the folder and share it with others through our website, not just in our own diocese, but with other dioceses and with Mary Sumner House.

Click here to view or download the document.

One reply on “Inspired Folder April 2015”

Have just downloaded and read the Inspired folder. Our branch does a range of the things mentioned. It is good to celebrate those things in which we are involved and to consider other possibilities

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