Past Events

“It Is Finished” Jill and Peter Complete Their Half Marathon For Charity

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Our aches and pains as we did the Reading half marathon were nothing at all compared with the suffering and passion of Jesus.  Despite being without sin he paid the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation.  For that we give thanks this Holy Week and Easter Day. However, there were times when the mile markers reminded us of the Stations of the Cross.  We reflect how limited is our suffering and great are our blessings.  A half marathon is 13.1 miles.  We completed it on Sunday 22nd March just a week after our Ruby wedding anniversary.  Definitely a case of late mid-life crisis!  The first few miles seemed relatively easy as we jogged along surrounded by thousands taking part.  The spring sun shone and the crowds encouraged us all the way along.  We were also spurred on by your prayers and support.  The last few miles seemed hard work as legs felt leaden.  However our training paid off.  We were delighted to complete the challenge.  Our times will remain personal bests as we will not be embarking on such madness again!!

Peter is supporting Franciscan Aid the national charity of the Third Order.   Jill is raising funds for the Mother’s Union and is seeking support via branches and church contacts.  The money will go via the Uppingham branch to the work of MU overseas.  She has already collected £900. Thank you for the support already received.   For those who would prefer to give on line (especially for gift aiding purposes) her site is:

Alternatively she is pleased to receive cash or cheques made payable to Uppingham branch Mother’s Union.  She will complete the collection of contributions at the forum on April 18th.

We are not sure why we embarked on this madness but are pleased that it is done.  We thank you all for your tolerance, words of encouragement, prayers and support. Jill will be happy to come and give a talk to branches by way of showing thanks.

Jill and Peter Cannings

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Mothers’ Union Diocesan Awareness Day – May 16th 2015

In every deanery in the diocese of Peterborough the members are already planning events for our awareness day.

Maybe there will be coffee mornings, afternoon teas, craft sales or other events still to be announced.

Whatever the event there will definitely be information about what we do, literature about Mothers’ Union and local and diocesan contact details.

We hope to see our friends there but also those people who would like to know more about us. There will certainly be lots of friendly faces at each venue. We will all be very willing to answer your questions. Do come along.

Guaranteed ……an excellent cup of tea.


Wave of Prayer Factsheets

Click here to download the Wave of Prayer Factsheets – you will need a PDF reader installed on your machine to do so.