
Arrangements for Global Day

Saturday 23rd November 2024

As we prepare for the joy of Christmas, Global Day allows us a time of reflection for families suffering various forms of violence and oppression.

This year we are continuing to build on our No more 1 in 3 campaign. This highlights the fact that 1 in 3 women around the world will suffer some form of abuse during their lifetime. We join with MU members across the world who will be holding events to show that such abuse is unacceptable.

We join with other agencies who are concerned about all forms of violence in families, including Human trafficking and Modern Day slavery.

We will hold a brief service / reflection in St John’s church Peterborough at 12 noon.

Practical plans

We plan to meet in Car Haven car park adjacent to the cathedral (Bishop’s Road PE1 1YX) at 10.45 a.m. It will be a busy time for Christmas shopping, but other car parks are available nearby. We will gather near the exit, next to the toilets. Please note they have changed their payment machines. Your registration is detected as you drive in, just park and pay on exit. You will be asked to enter your registration
number and it will tell you how much to pay. You can do that by card.

From about 11 am we will walk carefully along the pavement to Bridge Street, the busy, wide shopping street heading towards the Cathedral.

We will have some MU publicity, purple scarves and “no more 3 in 1 badges”, and purple ribbons. We and other agencies will hand out publicity materials or be prepared to share information about our concerns. This is a peaceful, awareness sharing event.

We turn left opposite the Cathedral to St John’s church. Others may wish to join us at the church. On arrival at the church, we will briefly stand outside to raise awareness with passers by. St John’s has an open coffee morning which we will be able to support for church funds and their chosen charities. At 12 noon a brief service/reflection will be led by Revd Michelle Dalliston. This will include the observation of 2 minutes silence in solidarity with others worldwide. All are welcome.

At the end we will not process back. People may wish to stop for a coffee, drink, light lunch or to do their shopping.

News Past Events

Mothers’ Union Diocesan Festival 2024

After a really chilly week, Saturday 14th September dawned bright and sunny, and many cars and 2 ‘Hopper’ buses descended on Peterborough Cathedral for our Diocesan Festival.

Around 150 members attended, and all enjoyed watching 30 banners being processed up the centre aisle of the Cathedral, and being acknowledged by our new Bishop, Debbie Sellin. It was a wonderful occasion with Bishop Debbie presiding at the Eucharist service and also being enrolled as a member of the Mothers’ Union.

It was a packed service as not only did we have an enrolment but also the commissioning of Helen Lynett as Diocesan President for the next triennium (2025 – 2027), but also the commissioning of Revd. Deborah Marsh as the Mothers’ Union Chaplain for our diocese.

Helen had presented Deborah with a Mothers’ Union stole which she wore for the service.

The Mothers’ Union Provincial President of Canterbury, Kathryn Anderson, had also joined us for this special service and wore a dress and jacket which sported the MU logo all over. There was no mistaking Kathryn’s affiliation to our charity.

The Bishop preached about her connections to the Mothers’ Union throughout her life of ministry, having been based at Old Arlesford (the home of Mary Sumner), and working with members in Winchester Diocese and then visiting Burundi in Eastern Africa and seeing at first-hand how Mothers’ Union members work in the poorest of places to teach literacy and then business skills so families can have an income.

As with most Mothers’ Union meetings, the afternoon was rounded off with tea and cake, beautifully provided by Peterborough Diocese. A huge thank you to all the ladies who cooked, served and then cleared up behind us.

We can now look forward to our next visit to the Cathedral in 2026 when we celebrate 150 years of Mothers’ Union.

Past Events

Receiving Maundy Money From The Queen

On Maundy Thursday I travelled to Windsor to receive Maundy money from the Queen. All arrangements and the service are meticulously organised. One is invited to attend with a carer/ companion, and my daughter Emma was delighted to take on that role! We stayed overnight in Windsor and arrived early at the appointed car park on the “long walk,” the impressive entry into Windsor Castle. After politely undertaken security checks, we were driven in a royal coach into the castle grounds. We took our places in St George’s chapel and were treated to wonderful music and the arrival of an array of people with amazing titles and costumes. The Lord High Almoner briefed us on what would happen. People processed in including the Yeomen of the Guard, the Military Knights of Windsor, the Dean and Canons of Windsor, the Wandsmen, and many more with roles of historical significance. Four children chosen from local schools came carrying nosegays which traditionally masked the smell of the recipients!

Precisely at 11a.m the Queen entered with her own procession. Sadly, Prince Philip was not able to be there. It was the first time he had missed a Maundy service. The Queen is a diminutive figure. She was smartly dressed in a royal blue coat and hat. As a strong Christian she apparently loves this Maundy service. She has been handing out Maundy money since 1953. After the first reading from John 13:1-15 (Jesus washes the feet of the disciples) she proceeded around to personally hand two pouches of Maundy money to 92 recipients. After a brief sit down for a hymn she was up again after a second reading (Matthew 25:31-46) to dispense to the remaining 92. She smiled warmly at each recipient making it a very special moment.

After the service we had a reception in some of the magnificent rooms of Windsor; St George’s Hall, the Waterloo Chamber, the Grand reception room and the Garter Throne room.

We certainly do history, pomp and circumstance very well. However, this was also a very humbling experience. The service derives its name from the Latin “mandatum” meaning a commandment. The service starts with the words of Jesus “I give you a new commandment: Love one another: as I have loved you, so you are to love one another.” The Royal Maundy can be traced back in England with certainty to the 13th century. The first recorded Royal Distribution was in Yorkshire by King John in 1210.

From the 15th century the number of recipients has equalled the years of the Sovereign’s life. At one time, recipients were required to be the same sex as the Sovereign, but since the 18th century gender equality has been established, hence 92 men and 92 women received this year. Recipients are now pensioners selected by Bishops because of the Christian service they have rendered to the Church and community.

The Distribution is in two parts. A red purse contains a nominal allowance for clothing and provisions. A white purse contains the Maundy coins; silver pennies, twopences, threepences and fourpences according to the age of the Sovereign. The pouches are carried in six alms dishes dating from the reign of King Charles 11. All this is legal tender, but I will not be using it at the local shops! What a day to cherish.

Jill Cannings

Barbara, the diocesan president, is very pleased to see that Jill’s M.U. badge shows up so well on her white coat. Thank you.

Past Events

Members of Mothers’ Union Meet Together

Pauline Jacobs and Hazel Goodman, friends of Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust met up at the Study Day on 12th August in Guilsbrough Church, where they spent a time of fellowship beside the MU Banner. Both Pauline and Hazel are MU Unit Committee members. They spent the rest of the day with other friends of NHCT exploring and finding out about Churches around Northamptonshire. The day was led by Mr Bruce Bailey and was very enjoyable.

Hazel Goodman

Saints and Angels MU Kettering

Past Events

Walking for Mothers’ Union

On Saturday 14th October some of us ‘walked for Mothers’ Union’. For the most agile it was 5 km for the less agile i.e. me, it was 2.5 km.

During the walks we attracted attention from the other members of the public who went about their business. Questions were asked and answers given. It is always good to raise Mothers’ Union profile in a fun way.

The first photo shows Raymond, Pam, Penny and Doreen as they are about to set off around Wicksteed park. Good to see one of our male members taking part.

I would like to thank everybody who walked on that day. Thank goodness the sun shone.

Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President

Pam, Raymond, Penny, and Doreen setting off around Wicksteed Park, Kettering.
The 5 km walkers from Uppingham setting off.
The 2.5 km walkers from Uppingham on their way.
After the 5 km and the 2.5 km walkers had finished, time for fellowship together.
After the 5 km and the 2.5 km walkers had finished, time for fellowship together.
Past Events

Greater Northampton Deanery Annual Deanery Fair

Greater Northampton Deanery held their Annual Deanery Fair on Saturday 14th October which was opened by Hazel our Vice President. We managed to raise £535 which will be donated to the London Diocese Grenfell Tower A F I A appeal and The South Sudan Appeal.

Past Events

Mothers’ Union Celebrations at Abington Church

Abington Church Mothers’ Union were delighted that Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President, accepted their invitation for her to present two long service awards on Sunday 8th October.  Pamela Cummings and Margaret Kirby have each been an MU member for 60 years and so it was a very special occasion celebrating this achievement during the 10 am Eucharist service, surrounded by other MU members, family and friends. Barbara spoke of her pleasure at meeting members and the importance of acknowledging the many years of service and commitment given to MU by Pamela and Margaret. Both ladies were presented with a certificate and small rose plant. She also welcomed our Associate Priest Revd. Chrys Tremththanmor as a member to the branch.  Chrys had previously been enrolled in to Mothers’ Union in Bridgend, Wales, so it was a fitting occasion for her to have her membership transferred. After the service the branch members had a celebratory photograph together.

Cathy Tinsley, Branch Leader

Abington branch members with Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President.
Margaret with her grandaughter.
Pamela with the branch leader Cathy Tinsley – the certificate that Pamela is holding was presented to her when she was enrolled 60 years ago by her husband who was the curate of their church.
Past Events

Kettering Deanery Festival 2017

The president, Barbara Haynes, enrolled Rev. Ruth Colby from Rothwell at the Kettering Deanery Festival. Welcome, Ruth.

Past Events

New Mothers’ Union Chaplain Commissioned

On Sunday March 5th during the choral evensong at Peterborough cathedral, Bishop John Holbrook commissioned the new Mothers’ Union chaplain for Peterborough diocese, Canon Anne Davis. This was a very happy occasion. A number of Mothers’ Union members attended the service to support Rev. Anne.


16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence

Begins on 25th November and ends on 10th December 2016

Join us for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, to call for an end to all forms of violence against women and girls – One in three women across the world will be affected by domestic violence at some point in their life.

Some of you may recall that last year Mothers’ Union had a designated area, in Church, to pray for those who have been abused, neglected or overlooked. Useful resources were also available to take away…

This year there will also be an opportunity to write your prayer to God and attach it to a prayer tree. Please spend a few moments remembering those who need our prayers…

On December 2nd from 11 a.m. –noon there will be a diocesan vigil at St. Peter and Paul Kettering, as part of the 16 days. The vigil will be followed by a faith lunch.

Everybody is welcome to attend.

This is a very important ‘campaign’ and our support is essential.

If members are unable to come perhaps they could spend some time quietly in prayer either in groups or individually. After all prayer underpins all that we do .

Thank you.