
Spotlight on Wellingborough Deanery


  • All Hallows
  • All Saints
  • Earls Barton
  • The Harrowdens and Orlingbury
  • Wollaston and Strixton

Our Deanery Leader is Barbara Haynes, the past President of the diocesan Mothers’ Union.

We come together as a Deanery to meet after Forum, to celebrate at our annual Deanery Festival and to hold a social evening to fund our current project. We are a deanery that believes in working together and also enjoy each other’s company during social and fund raising events.

Our project just completed was ‘purse bells’.

After hearing that a member’s purse had been stolen we decided to be pro-active in trying to make purses more secure. We purchased bells and the components to make them able to be fixed to purses. Several members met to put them together one afternoon. They have now been completed and distributed to every member in the deanery. Not only will they deter purse thieves but also if we hear them, and we will, we will be pretty sure that a M.U. member is in the vicinity.

We are now supporting the new Night Shelter in Wellingborough by supplying filled toiletry bags and towels for the people using the centre. The branches are now busy preparing these bags ready for when the shelter opens on 1st November 2019. This project will be on-going.

All Hallows meet once a month and have a Corporate Communion on the first Saturday of the month in The Lady Chapel at 9.30 which is open to all.

All Saints meet monthly in the church’s Lady Chapel and always begin with a said Communion service. We enjoy hearing from the varied speakers, with our talks based on the theme for the year. We are a prayerful and practical branch with projects including caring for the church’s children’s corner, providing toiletries for the Skylark Ward at Kettering General Hospital, and observing what is needed and getting on and doing it [M.U.L.O.A].

Earls Barton branch meets in member’s homes, and is run by a committee of the members. This group are very active in their village and help out at village events.

The Harrowdens & Orlingbury meet monthly for prayer & fellowship, offering support to the Rector of the Benefice, providing Baptism cards and Baptism anniversary cards. They are also committed to supporting MU Charities and projects.

Wollaston & Strixton branch hold quarterly, seasonal meetings. Due to the maturity of the members, they work to their strengths and are committed to fund-raising for the Mothers’ Union projects and also to praying for the Church and Mothers’ Union. This year they have raised over £500.00 for Mothers’ Union projects worldwide.

Past Events

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

The members in Peterborough Diocese are all taking part in the campaign for the 16 days from November 25th – December 10th. Some branches have held vigils, some have had services using the resources from Mary Sumner House or prayer meetings and some have had displays in their churches to raise awareness.

The picture shows the prayers written by Kingsthorpe branch for women and girls around the world who are abused in any way, which were then placed on the map.

Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President.

Past Events

50 Years Membership Certificates at Kingsthorpe Branch

Kingsthorpe Branch were pleased to welcome Barbara, our president, to present 50 years membership certificates to Margaret Glover and Mary Cheer at the morning service at St Mark’s Church on the 29th April. At the same service Helen Hickman was enrolled as a new member. The service was followed with cake and nibbles.

Ruth, Branch Leader


Past Events

Long Service Award at Oakham

It was a great surprise to Joyce Halliday when she was awarded her 60 year long service certificate. Joyce thought that she was attending the monthly Communion service at the home where she is now a resident. There was certainly a look of surprise when her son wheeled her in and she saw that that there were members of her branch sitting there!

During the service Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani handed over to me and the presentation was made. Joyce is an inspiration to her branch.

Thank you Joyce for your commitment, something that has impressed me about so many of our senior members.

The pictures show Joyce with members of her branch, her son David and Rev. Lee.

Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President

Past Events

Walking for Mothers’ Union

On Saturday 14th October some of us ‘walked for Mothers’ Union’. For the most agile it was 5 km for the less agile i.e. me, it was 2.5 km.

During the walks we attracted attention from the other members of the public who went about their business. Questions were asked and answers given. It is always good to raise Mothers’ Union profile in a fun way.

The first photo shows Raymond, Pam, Penny and Doreen as they are about to set off around Wicksteed park. Good to see one of our male members taking part.

I would like to thank everybody who walked on that day. Thank goodness the sun shone.

Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President

Pam, Raymond, Penny, and Doreen setting off around Wicksteed Park, Kettering.
The 5 km walkers from Uppingham setting off.
The 2.5 km walkers from Uppingham on their way.
After the 5 km and the 2.5 km walkers had finished, time for fellowship together.
After the 5 km and the 2.5 km walkers had finished, time for fellowship together.
Past Events

Mothers’ Union Celebrations at Abington Church

Abington Church Mothers’ Union were delighted that Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President, accepted their invitation for her to present two long service awards on Sunday 8th October.  Pamela Cummings and Margaret Kirby have each been an MU member for 60 years and so it was a very special occasion celebrating this achievement during the 10 am Eucharist service, surrounded by other MU members, family and friends. Barbara spoke of her pleasure at meeting members and the importance of acknowledging the many years of service and commitment given to MU by Pamela and Margaret. Both ladies were presented with a certificate and small rose plant. She also welcomed our Associate Priest Revd. Chrys Tremththanmor as a member to the branch.  Chrys had previously been enrolled in to Mothers’ Union in Bridgend, Wales, so it was a fitting occasion for her to have her membership transferred. After the service the branch members had a celebratory photograph together.

Cathy Tinsley, Branch Leader

Abington branch members with Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President.
Margaret with her grandaughter.
Pamela with the branch leader Cathy Tinsley – the certificate that Pamela is holding was presented to her when she was enrolled 60 years ago by her husband who was the curate of their church.
Past Events

Centenary Service for St. Matthews’ Mothers’ Union, Eye

This was a very happy, celebratory evening at Eye. As we waited for the service to start we listened to the music group playing and watched a Powerpoint of pictures about the history of the branch. The service was very well attended by members of the branch, the deanery and the diocese who really enjoyed it. The theme for the evening was Faith in Action, a true sense of what the branch had achieved in the last 100 years.

After the service we all met together for fellowship and refreshments (as always they were delicious) and of course no celebration is complete without a cake.


Past Events

President’s Visit to Werrington Branch

The little shoes were made by MU members and friends to give to the children after the Celebrating Baptism service as a reminder of their journey with Jesus.

Past Events

Kettering Deanery Festival 2017

The president, Barbara Haynes, enrolled Rev. Ruth Colby from Rothwell at the Kettering Deanery Festival. Welcome, Ruth.

Past Events

New Mothers’ Union Chaplain Commissioned

On Sunday March 5th during the choral evensong at Peterborough cathedral, Bishop John Holbrook commissioned the new Mothers’ Union chaplain for Peterborough diocese, Canon Anne Davis. This was a very happy occasion. A number of Mothers’ Union members attended the service to support Rev. Anne.