
Grapevine Spring 2016

Click here to read Grapevine Spring 2016 – you will need software capable of reading PDFs


Mary Sumner Day Celebration – Brackley Deanery

This year we celebrate the wonderful achievement of Mothers’ Union growing from such a small beginning 140 years ago to the massive worldwide movement it has now become.

At a deanery meeting we were discussing what we could do to celebrate this marvelous anniversary. By chance our deanery treasurer had resigned and Helen Overson the daughter of an Astwell branch member had been invited to the meeting to see if she would be interested in becoming treasurer. While we were discussing ways we could commemorate Mary Sumner day, Helen suddenly said ‘I’ll do a 140 mile sponsored walk for you’.

Needless to say we all welcomed this offer and Helen is also our new deanery treasurer.

We bought Helen and a friend Sallie Connery who is doing some of the walk with her, MU tee shirts so people will know which organisation they are walking for.

The walk is starting on Whit Sunday (May 15th) at Astwell Castle and we shall walk about 2 miles to Helmdon church for the benefice service at 11am. The talk during the service will be about Mary Sumner and Helen’s chosen charities. Her chosen charities are: Special Relief and Literacy and Financial Education programmes.

Sponsor forms will be available. Following the service there will be a ‘Bring and share’ picnic lunch and then Helen and anyone else who wishes to join her will walk about 15 miles round the 6 churches which make up the
Astwell benefice.

Helen also plans to go to other places in the country to continue her sponsored walk.

Members of MU are hoping to join Helen for part of the walk.


Mad Or What Again! – More Fundraising For MU

Last year I did a half marathon and pledged never to go through that sort of thing again.  However, as the Mother’s Union celebrates 140 years I stupidly hatched the plan to play 140 holes of golf in one week.  That’s a lot of golf and walking and searching for balls.  During the summer I like to play a couple of times a week.  Each round is 18 holes.  In order to reach my target, I will need to play more than one round a day especially as I plan to leave Sunday as a day of rest and worship.


I will do this W/C June 6th and will mainly be playing at my home course Greetham Valley golf club.  I want to make it fun so would love it if people want to walk round with me or ride in style in buggies that can be hired.  You can then enjoy a drink and or/ meal in the clubhouse while I flog round!!


If you feel able to support financially I have set up a Justgiving site which is easy to use and sorts out gift aid.  If you prefer I have a sponsorship form (click here to download).  Any cheques should be made payable to “The Mothers’ Union Uppingham branch.” All funds raised will go towards the work of MU overseas.

The Justgiving site is

Please humour me with lots of encouraging smiles and pray for good weather.

Jill Cannings

MU branch leader Uppingham

Documents: 140 holes – playing times and Why oh why am I planning to play 140 holes of golf in a week.


Grapevine Winter 2015

Click here to read Grapevine Winter 2015 – you will need software capable of reading PDFs

Past Events

Lynne Tembey Visits the Diocese

IMG_0080We have had an exciting few days as Lynne Tembey, the Worldwide President of the Mothers’ Union has visited the Diocese, arriving on the Wednesday evening of the 9th September and left late afternoon on Saturday 12th September. In that time, Lynne met Indoor and Diocesan members who attended a service in the Lady Chapel here in All Saints’ Church, which was followed by a “Drop-In” afternoon with lots of tea and cake for members to pop in and say hello. The Trustees enjoyed a buffet supper with Lynne on the Thursday evening.

Lynne also visited a Women’s Refuge followed by the Daylight Centre. Lunch was enjoyed at West Haddon where she met members of the newest MU branch – Ridgeway. Then it was across to the Brackley Deanery to meet many members there for Afternoon Tea.

Lynne’s visit ended on Saturday afternoon with a service in Peterborough Cathedral with many members from across the Diocese attending. It was wonderful to see so many MU Branch Banners! We were delighted that Bishop John was able to be with us too.

Helen LynettDSC03220DSC03239DSC03253IMG_1448DSC03221



Mothers’ Union Support for the Youth Mission in This Diocese

A Week of Prayer for this Generation of Young People and the Next

Churches all over the Diocese are joining together in October 2015 for an inspiring week of prayer for the young people in their Parish, and for youth work in their Deaneries. Whilst we really hope that very many youth groups all over the Diocese will join in, we would also like to encourage those parishes that do not have young people or a youth group to participate too, as we mobilise the whole Diocese to pray.


What?              A week of prayer for young people in Peterborough Diocese

Where?           In your Parish

When?             Sunday 4th– Sunday 11th October 2015

Why?               Praying for God to resource and release His Church to reach out to young people.

Who?               Everyone. Adults, young people, youth groups, PCCs, groups and individuals

How?               You choose when you pray, where and for how long (examples below)

A Youth Group ‘Pizza Prayer Pack’ and other resources will be available

Contact?         Diocesan Youth Missioners:

Becky Wills (Northampton Archdeaconry) – 01604 887058

Chad Chadwick (Oakham Archdeaconry) – 01604887059


Some examples:

A group of men are planning to meet for a Saturday morning prayer breakfast

Some young people are planning to meet up at school at lunchtime to pray for their town.

A Mothers’ Union are dedicating part of their meeting to praying for the young people in their area.

One youth group is planning to gather together for an evening of pizza and prayer using the creative resources available in the ‘Pizza Prayer Pack’.

Several groups of young people are planning and leading prayer services in their Parishes

Plus, there will be an online prayer gathering at the end of the week (possibly a Twitter worship service?) as we bring our prayers together on Sunday 11th October.

Are you willing to join us in prayer?


What next?

  1. Discuss the idea with your Incumbent / PCC / Church leadership
  2. Decide when you are going to pray, with whom and where.
  3. Let Becky or Chad know when and where you will be praying. They will give you information and resources that you can use.
  4. Invite people to join you*.
  5. Put up posters (template available) and notices in newsletters etc.
  6. Make any final plans (e.g. Prayer resources, preparing or ordering food)

* If children or young people are participating then follow normal good practice with regards to Safeguarding (if you have any questions contact Chad or Becky or check )

Past Events

Starburst Event

On Saturday 9th May the Mothers’ Union had a stand at the STARBURST children’s event at All Saints Primary school in Northampton. The day had two keynote speakers who showed how bible stories can be brought to life through drama, costumes and props. Our stand illustrated how Mothers’ Union supports families in the diocese and we handed out ‘goodie’ bags full of leaflets and a Families First magazine to give more information about Mother’s Union to those who were interested.

Jill Goodman and I chatted with participants from across the diocese about the support Mothers’ Union gives to families through toddler groups, Away From It All holidays and parenting groups to mention just one or two ways.


by Jill Kearns


Past Events Resources

Inspired Folder April 2015

This folder has been compiled as a result of the Inspired Afternoon held on Saturday 13th September 2014. The feedback from the day was positive and everyone went home truly ‘inspired’.

All the project ideas brought to the afternoon have been placed into a variety of categories, which we hope are easily understood.

We hope you will adopt one or more of the ideas from the folder in your branch or deanery. Each page can be downloaded separately from the website.

Take a look at what is needed in your parish or community and see how Mothers’ Union could reach out.

Discuss with your members before you start on a project. Answer some simple questions. Are you able to meet the need? (time, members, funds). How will people know it is a Mothers’ Union project?

If the project is running in another branch, get in touch about the project.

Lastly, let the Action and Outreach Unit committee members know what you are doing, so that we can add it to the folder and share it with others through our website, not just in our own diocese, but with other dioceses and with Mary Sumner House.

Click here to view or download the document.

Past Events

“It Is Finished” Jill and Peter Complete Their Half Marathon For Charity

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Click image to enlarge

Our aches and pains as we did the Reading half marathon were nothing at all compared with the suffering and passion of Jesus.  Despite being without sin he paid the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation.  For that we give thanks this Holy Week and Easter Day. However, there were times when the mile markers reminded us of the Stations of the Cross.  We reflect how limited is our suffering and great are our blessings.  A half marathon is 13.1 miles.  We completed it on Sunday 22nd March just a week after our Ruby wedding anniversary.  Definitely a case of late mid-life crisis!  The first few miles seemed relatively easy as we jogged along surrounded by thousands taking part.  The spring sun shone and the crowds encouraged us all the way along.  We were also spurred on by your prayers and support.  The last few miles seemed hard work as legs felt leaden.  However our training paid off.  We were delighted to complete the challenge.  Our times will remain personal bests as we will not be embarking on such madness again!!

Peter is supporting Franciscan Aid the national charity of the Third Order.   Jill is raising funds for the Mother’s Union and is seeking support via branches and church contacts.  The money will go via the Uppingham branch to the work of MU overseas.  She has already collected £900. Thank you for the support already received.   For those who would prefer to give on line (especially for gift aiding purposes) her site is:

Alternatively she is pleased to receive cash or cheques made payable to Uppingham branch Mother’s Union.  She will complete the collection of contributions at the forum on April 18th.

We are not sure why we embarked on this madness but are pleased that it is done.  We thank you all for your tolerance, words of encouragement, prayers and support. Jill will be happy to come and give a talk to branches by way of showing thanks.

Jill and Peter Cannings

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Click image to enlarge

Mothers’ Union Diocesan Awareness Day – May 16th 2015

In every deanery in the diocese of Peterborough the members are already planning events for our awareness day.

Maybe there will be coffee mornings, afternoon teas, craft sales or other events still to be announced.

Whatever the event there will definitely be information about what we do, literature about Mothers’ Union and local and diocesan contact details.

We hope to see our friends there but also those people who would like to know more about us. There will certainly be lots of friendly faces at each venue. We will all be very willing to answer your questions. Do come along.

Guaranteed ……an excellent cup of tea.