Past Events

Vigils for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Several branches in the diocese held vigils during the sixteen days.

Awareness was raised and prayers offered.

Past Events

Long Service Award at Oakham

It was a great surprise to Joyce Halliday when she was awarded her 60 year long service certificate. Joyce thought that she was attending the monthly Communion service at the home where she is now a resident. There was certainly a look of surprise when her son wheeled her in and she saw that that there were members of her branch sitting there!

During the service Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani handed over to me and the presentation was made. Joyce is an inspiration to her branch.

Thank you Joyce for your commitment, something that has impressed me about so many of our senior members.

The pictures show Joyce with members of her branch, her son David and Rev. Lee.

Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President

Past Events

Visit to Pitsford Branch

I spent a very happy and exciting afternoon with the members of Pitsford branch when I was able to enrol five new members. There are also two more new members waiting to be enrolled who were unable to be there.

Thank you to branch leader Anne for your enthusiasm that led to new members wanting to be part of your branch.

Excellent news.

Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President

Past Events

Travelling Nativity Success Story

Our Mothers’ Union branch has knitted three nativity sets which go to different reception class children’s homes each night during Advent. One of the mums has videoed her son with it and this is what we’ve been sent. The mum is happy for you to use this and put it on the MU website if you like.

Our first set has been in use since 2000. As the school has grown we’ve tried to keep up. There’s a lot of sheep knitting going on!


I have been sent an adorable video of little Joseph playing with the nativity scene at home…  I hope that you can get it open to watch it!  It is so precious!

I am watching the boxes go home day in and out as I pick up and drop off at school and I just think it is so wonderful!

You ladies are really blessing the children!



[fvplayer src=”/wp-includes/images/Joseph-travelling-nativity.mp4″ width=”640″ height=”352″]


Inspired Folder, Updated November 2017

“Inspired” is a folder that is constantly reviewed and adjusted. We are pleased to share this update.

We hope you will adopt one or more of the ideas from the folder in your branch or deanery. Each page can be downloaded separately from the website.

Take a look at what is needed in your parish or community and see how Mothers’ Union could reach out.

Discuss with your members before you start on a project. Answer some simple questions. Are you able to meet the need? (time, members, funds). How will people know it is a Mothers’ Union project?

If the project is running in another branch, get in touch about the project.

Lastly, let the Action and Outreach Unit committee members know what you are doing, so that we can add it to the folder and share it with others through our website, not just in our own diocese, but with other dioceses and with Mary Sumner House.

Click here to view or download the document.


Grapevine Winter 2017

Click here to read Grapevine Winter 2017 – you will need software capable of reading PDFs

Past Events

Mothers’ Union in Barbados

In October 2017 I visited my family in Barbados and was able to join the Mothers’ Union for a meeting.

The Mothers’ Union branch was the Holy Trinity, St Philips, Barbados. They meet on the second Saturday in the month, in the afternoon. They start with worship, using the MU blue and red prayer books along with readings from the Bible. Afterwards a short committee meeting took place, which involved all branch members. They too had projects and also dealt with individuals. While the quiz Q and A from the Bible was in progress, the preparation for the birthday party was taking place.

I was asked to give an overview of my branch meetings and I left details of the Cross in Pocket, which is our latest project. I was given an open invitation to their meetings whenever I am on the island again. We ended with prayers and grace.

Marcia Holder

Past Events

Frances Lunch Club

During the October half term the children (and their families) who attended the Frances Lunch Club had great fun doing Autumn craft activities. They also ate well of course.

The photographs show some of the results and the lovely happy faces. The time together was enjoyed by all.

Lyn, project co-ordinator.

*photos are shown with parental consent.

Past Events

Members of Mothers’ Union Meet Together

Pauline Jacobs and Hazel Goodman, friends of Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust met up at the Study Day on 12th August in Guilsbrough Church, where they spent a time of fellowship beside the MU Banner. Both Pauline and Hazel are MU Unit Committee members. They spent the rest of the day with other friends of NHCT exploring and finding out about Churches around Northamptonshire. The day was led by Mr Bruce Bailey and was very enjoyable.

Hazel Goodman

Saints and Angels MU Kettering

Past Events

Walking for Mothers’ Union

On Saturday 14th October some of us ‘walked for Mothers’ Union’. For the most agile it was 5 km for the less agile i.e. me, it was 2.5 km.

During the walks we attracted attention from the other members of the public who went about their business. Questions were asked and answers given. It is always good to raise Mothers’ Union profile in a fun way.

The first photo shows Raymond, Pam, Penny and Doreen as they are about to set off around Wicksteed park. Good to see one of our male members taking part.

I would like to thank everybody who walked on that day. Thank goodness the sun shone.

Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President

Pam, Raymond, Penny, and Doreen setting off around Wicksteed Park, Kettering.
The 5 km walkers from Uppingham setting off.
The 2.5 km walkers from Uppingham on their way.
After the 5 km and the 2.5 km walkers had finished, time for fellowship together.
After the 5 km and the 2.5 km walkers had finished, time for fellowship together.