Past Events

Mary Sumner Day Celebrations in Kettering

The Members of Kettering MU joined together to give thanks for the life of our founder Mary Sumner at a service at St. Andrews Church Kettering. During the service Hilary Whitwell, Branch Leader of St Andrews enrolled four new members and welcomed back another into Tresham Branch. This was followed by a lovely afternoon tea with cakes of course.

Just after nine p.m. Sue Merrifield, Raymond and I walked to St Peter and Paul’s Church which was lit up with MU colours. It looked magnificent. MU shines out.

What a wonderful day

Past Events

A Happy Start to 2014

Click image to enlarge
Click image to enlarge

Six new members enrolled.

New members were enrolled at the morning service which included a baptism. The new members were supported by their children and grand children. Altogether a very happy occasion.

Past Events

Kettering Deanery Saints and Angels

101_0425MU Kettering  – Mothers’ Union game

Meet the new member.

A different type of Beetle Drive for MU members.

We decided to have some fun at our November meeting. The game differs from a conventional Beetle Drive because “we are all heart” so to get started we need to throw a six for a heart and off we go.

If any branch is interested  I still have the poster and the game is available in a PDF file. You can contact me by phone on 01536 522269.
