Past Events

Kettering Deanery Saints and Angels

101_0425MU Kettering  – Mothers’ Union game

Meet the new member.

A different type of Beetle Drive for MU members.

We decided to have some fun at our November meeting. The game differs from a conventional Beetle Drive because “we are all heart” so to get started we need to throw a six for a heart and off we go.

If any branch is interested  I still have the poster and the game is available in a PDF file. You can contact me by phone on 01536 522269.




Past Events

New Mothers’ Union Branch and 24 New Members at West Haddon Church

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Against a declining membership roll in this country it is exciting to report that on Sunday 24th November 2013 at All Saints’ Church, West Haddon, The Right Reverend John Holbrook, Bishop of Brixworth, enrolled twenty-four new members into Mothers’ Union. Together with one member already enrolled and two members transferring from another branch they will form the Ridgeway Branch, named for our closeness to the Northamptonshire ridgeway.

The Branch will serve the united parishes of St Lawrence, Long Buckby with St Peter and St Paul, Watford, and All Saints’, West Haddon with St Michael & All Angels, Winwick. Their aim, as with all Branches of Mothers’ Union, is to serve the benefice as directed by the Vicar in matters concerning family life, which is apt because the Vicar, The Revd Graham Collingridge, was enrolled at the service!  The service was attended by Mothers’ Union officers from around the Diocese of Peterborough.

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Past Events

Kettering Deanery Festival

Photos taken at Kettering Deanery Festival in the summer – you can click each image to enlarge.







Special Occasion Cards

Just a reminder that I would like to send cards on behalf of the MU in the diocese if I know the circumstance. These might be ‘thinking of you cards’ to the very poorly members and Golden Wedding Anniversary cards and every five years after that. Also 90th birthday and every five years after.

Please contact me with a name and address and date for the card to arrive giving me as much notice as possible in case I am away.

If you have other requests for cards I am happy to consider those too.

Many thanks – Pam Handley tel 01604 714560 .

Past Events

The Seeds That Were Sown Have Flourished

MU enrolment
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On Sunday 8th September during the Family Communion service in St Mary Magdalene church, Helmdon, I enrolled our new rector Reverend Carole Peters and Celia Terrey as new members of the Astwell Branch.

Ann Smith- Branch leader Astwell MU

Past Events

Wellingborough Deanery Bazaar

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There was a great variety of stalls to browse over and many different items, from cakes to books and toiletries to be purchased on 6th September. The atmosphere was excellent and for the members it was so good for each of us to be working with and getting to know members of each branch in the deanery. Funds were raised for branch and diocesan work and Mothers’ Union promoted. In all a very good morning.

Past Events

Away From It All… but only as far as Oundle

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Oundle branch have always been strong supporters of the A.F.I.A. holiday project, both by fund raising and also with prayer.

On 6th August they invited Jean one of our project coordinators [Joy was on holiday] to their meeting. Jean told them about how the scheme runs and showed them a picture graph of makeup of the families who went away last year. I was able, also, to tell them of some of the variety of the holidays that had been held in the past.

Coincidentally, there were three coordinators, past and present, there.  Please see the accompanying photo. Rachel, who was coordinator in the early 90s, Barbara from the late 90s and of course Jean our current coordinator.

The afternoon concluded with lots of chat, catching up and many delicious cakes and tea.

Thank you, Oundle.

Barbara Haynes.

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Past Events

A Great Time Was Had By All

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On Monday 15th July I attended the summer fayre and lunch at St. Benedict’s, in Hunsbury. There were stalls where we could buy some early Christmas presents or plants or we could chance our luck on the tombola, yes, I won a Christmas pudding…that’s a job I won’t have to do this year! Mothers’ Union cards were also being sold.

After an entertaining 20minutes or so listening to some of Pam Ayres poems and prose we were provided with a feast of a buffet lunch.

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It was lovely to meet lots of members from Northampton deanery and to enjoy the chatter and fellowship with them.

The money raised, £419.19, will be used for Mothers’ Union work at home and worldwide.

Well done and thank you, St. Benedict’s.

Barbara Haynes, President.


Wheels Appeal Materials

Put the icing on the cake of your summer by organising a Wheels Appeal cake sale to raise vital funds for Mothers’ Union’s Community Development Coordinators.

Click here for more information.

Past Events

Mothers’ Union General Meeting

Our new Worldwide President Lynne Tembey welcomed us all to the meeting, and as usual asked all the Provinces in turn to show their hands.  We certainly showed that Peterborough Diocese was there.  As well as the five ‘Home’ Provinces there were also delegates from Nigeria and Trinidad & Tobago.

Lynne welcomed the Clergy and any people who were there that are yet to become members – how could they not join after our General Meeting!

The Bath & Wells Diocesan President then also welcomed us, as well as the Deputy Mayor of Bath who hoped that we would have time to look around the City.

The others Union Chaplain then led our opening worship, although he has only been a member for two months, he has worked with the Mothers’ Union for a number of years.

Lynne Tembey then gave her address to us.  She started be saying that gifts can be a blessing, they can be useful or worthless.

She asked ‘Is your membership of the Mothers’ Union a Gift’, ‘Has it enhanced your life’.  She asked us to reflect on the ‘Holy Family’, a young unmarried mother in a strange place with no family around – how must she have felt.

Mary Sumner realised when she became a grandmother, that we mothers actually have no training for this most important of jobs.  Children of today quickly become the parents and leaders of tomorrow.  The role of parenthood is one of the most daunting and rewarding jobs in the world.

Lynne went on to say that the parenting course is running in 26 countries, and that our I.M.P.C. members support us in prayer.

She spoke about the practical projects like A.F.I.A. running in most Dioceses.  We must nurture our children’s faith, and she quoted Mary Sumner’s personal prayer.  She also quoted verses from James Chapter 2: 17, 24,26

Lynne went on to say that as individuals we are weak, but together we are strong.

Her vision is that Mothers’ Union will be a respected voice on Marriage and Family Life through our words and actions.

She talked next about the literacy campaign, saying that the seeds had been grown and would continue to grow.

Lynne talked about her trip to Kenya and said we could read about it on her blog:

Introduction of the New Trustee Board

She went on to talk about the new Trustee Board which now has more representatives from overseas, to better represent the membership.  There are 6 trustees from around the world, including Ghana, Kenya, West Indies and the DR Congo.

Reg Bailey then hosted a ‘Question Time’ with the four unit co-ordinators around a table just like the television programme – they even played the signature tune.

They reported that lots of the worldwide countries are becoming more independent, but they still need our support.  Fundraising is critical to help all the other units.  Much has been raised by the Mothers’ Day cards, Count Your Blessings, and the Wheels Appeal.

They mentioned the ‘Bye Bye Childhood’ campaign which is ongoing and also mentioned that the United Nation where the Mothers’ Union has a voice, is dealing with Gender equality.

Midday Prayers followed

After lunch our quest speaker was Adrian Plass, who said he was a Hope Monitor.  He went on to say that 30 yrs ago he prayed that God would use him however he wanted – unfortunately Adrian then had a breakdown.  He says he is still asking God to use him, and at the moment he is at ‘Scargill House’ in Yorkshire which is a retreat house. Adrian regularly writes for ‘Families First’, and has been a regular contributor for many years to ‘Daylight’ the daily Bible study book, which many of you will have read.

Adrian talked about three things – Laughter, Listening and Love.  He went on to say that one day he and his wife and a third person who was a potential suicide were sitting together and whatever Adrian said made the suicidal persons laugh and changed her outlook on life.  He certainly made us laugh by the things he said.  He also talked about ‘Listening’ and talked about the ‘Platitudes’ used when you meet bereaved people – he had us laughing again, but he said you must listen to what others people say, and of course ‘Love’ is in everything we do.

Rev’d Fedis Nyagah

Our next speaker was a little difficult to understand – we not being used to the Kenyan accent, but she spoke about CCMP – Church & Community Mobilisation.  In partnership with Tearfund, facilitators lead Bible Studies to change the mind-set from ‘I need’ to ‘God has given to me things I can use to prosper’.  This helps them to improve their income through agriculture, parenting, safer motherhood or literacy training.  Mothers’ Union is committed to supporting the cost of funding in each country, of which eight have already started training.

Emily Petty

‘Help us to Grow’: Sowing the Future Together

Our last speaker was Emily Petty who is head of Fundraising  & Communications at Mary Sumner House.  Emily Petty showed us the new Help us to Grow DVD, which is well worth seeing. She spoke about branches that had made Fire Service bears, and another branch that had invited four people from their congregation who they thought might be potential members.  Two more people turned up wanting to know why they had not been invited – it worked, as the branch now has six more members.  If only it was that easy!  We do need to Grow for the future and inviting just one person to your Branch would be a start.

The meeting ended with the usual worship and the news that next year the meeting will be in Belfast on the 21st June.

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A comment from the president, Barbara Haynes, on the lighter side of the General Meeting.

On the days that we were not at the meeting we had a holiday together. This photo shows us on a windy ridge on Exmoor on one of our days out. The holiday was great fun, and this was the outing that I enjoyed most. We are all grateful to Meg and David Dyer who organised the holiday.