Past Events

Visit to Pitsford Branch

I spent a very happy and exciting afternoon with the members of Pitsford branch when I was able to enrol five new members. There are also two more new members waiting to be enrolled who were unable to be there.

Thank you to branch leader Anne for your enthusiasm that led to new members wanting to be part of your branch.

Excellent news.

Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President


Grapevine Winter 2017

Click here to read Grapevine Winter 2017 – you will need software capable of reading PDFs

Past Events

Members of Mothers’ Union Meet Together

Pauline Jacobs and Hazel Goodman, friends of Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust met up at the Study Day on 12th August in Guilsbrough Church, where they spent a time of fellowship beside the MU Banner. Both Pauline and Hazel are MU Unit Committee members. They spent the rest of the day with other friends of NHCT exploring and finding out about Churches around Northamptonshire. The day was led by Mr Bruce Bailey and was very enjoyable.

Hazel Goodman

Saints and Angels MU Kettering

Past Events

Walking for Mothers’ Union

On Saturday 14th October some of us ‘walked for Mothers’ Union’. For the most agile it was 5 km for the less agile i.e. me, it was 2.5 km.

During the walks we attracted attention from the other members of the public who went about their business. Questions were asked and answers given. It is always good to raise Mothers’ Union profile in a fun way.

The first photo shows Raymond, Pam, Penny and Doreen as they are about to set off around Wicksteed park. Good to see one of our male members taking part.

I would like to thank everybody who walked on that day. Thank goodness the sun shone.

Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President

Pam, Raymond, Penny, and Doreen setting off around Wicksteed Park, Kettering.
The 5 km walkers from Uppingham setting off.
The 2.5 km walkers from Uppingham on their way.
After the 5 km and the 2.5 km walkers had finished, time for fellowship together.
After the 5 km and the 2.5 km walkers had finished, time for fellowship together.
Past Events

Diocesan A.G.M.

At the diocesan A.G.M. Bishop John was our speaker. He told us about his visits to Sudan where one of our prayer links, Rumbek, is. It was really good to get to know about the people there and to realise about the problems that they have to overcome and also their enthusiasm for Mothers’ Union. In the picture Jill Goodman, our worldwide coordinator, is giving the vote of thanks.

Past Events

Centenary Service for St. Matthews’ Mothers’ Union, Eye

This was a very happy, celebratory evening at Eye. As we waited for the service to start we listened to the music group playing and watched a Powerpoint of pictures about the history of the branch. The service was very well attended by members of the branch, the deanery and the diocese who really enjoyed it. The theme for the evening was Faith in Action, a true sense of what the branch had achieved in the last 100 years.

After the service we all met together for fellowship and refreshments (as always they were delicious) and of course no celebration is complete without a cake.


Past Events

President’s Visit to Werrington Branch

The little shoes were made by MU members and friends to give to the children after the Celebrating Baptism service as a reminder of their journey with Jesus.

Past Events

Kettering Deanery Festival 2017

The president, Barbara Haynes, enrolled Rev. Ruth Colby from Rothwell at the Kettering Deanery Festival. Welcome, Ruth.

Past Events

Celebrating 125 Years at the Kingsthorpe Branch

On the 26th of April 1892 the inaugural meeting of the Kingsthorpe Branch of Mothers’ Union was held in the school in Kingsthorpe Village. On the 26th of April 2017 we celebrated 125 years with a celebratory/thanksgiving service led by Rev Rachel and Bishop John. Canon Ann Davis, the new Mothers’ Union Chaplain, led the prayers and the M. U. President of the Diocese, Barbara Haynes, read the New Testament reading. Our vice president Hazel, trustees, branch members and friends from other branches in the Northampton Deanery also attended. It was with great pleasure that as Deanery Leader I also enrolled two new members into the Kingsthorpe branch. The service was followed by lots of chat and tea in the chapter house, although as there were a lot of us we ended up in the church to eat our sandwiches and cake. Many thanks to all those who helped to make the service so memorable.

Ruth Gould, branch leader


Grapevine Spring 2017

Click here to read Grapevine Spring 2017 – you will need software capable of reading PDFs