
Wave of Prayer Factsheets

Click here to download the Wave of Prayer Factsheets – you will need a PDF reader installed on your machine to do so.

Past Events

Kettering Deanery Members Visit Leicester Cathedral

Kettering deanery members joined the diocesan trip to Leicester cathedral, where the body of Richard III will finally be laid to rest. They enjoyed an informative tour and the day was fittingly concluded with a Eucharist.

Hazel Goodman.

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Past Events

Quiet Evening in Oundle

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The “Quiet Evening” in St. Peters Oundle gave us two hours of precious time for meditation and reflection on the ideals of St. Ignatius Loyola. The members felt refreshed and renewed by  the encouragements given by the Archdeacon of Oakham, The Venerable Gordon Steele. We were given a warm welcome by the Oundle members.

Barbara Haynes, President

Past Events

An Inspired Afternoon

The pictures show a taste of the ‘Inspired Afternoon’ held on Saturday, there will be a document on the site in the very near future.










Kilkenny Cathedral

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Whilst holidaying in Southern Ireland we visited Kilkenny Cathedral. What should greet us on our entry but this beautiful banner.

Inside the Cathedral there was a Mothers’ Union table complete with display boards and an MU visitors book which I was pleased to sign.

How wonderful to see MU so proudly displayed.


Hazel Goodman

Saints and Angels MU Kettering

Past Events

Mothers’ Union Quiet Day at Weedon Bec

IMG_1963About 30 members gathered together to relax and revive our spiritual life at the lovely location of Weedon Bec. The countryside is beautiful. There was a canal walk and a pocket park to explore in the quiet times, and it was soon easy to become absorbed by our thoughts and ignore the trains that I am told pass by every 3 minutes.

Archdeacon Richard led the day for us. With his short, thought provoking and sometimes humorous  sessions leading up to the quiet times he gave us lots to think about.

The sessions were entitled, “A new beginning”, “Priorities” and “Keep on keeping on “.

At lunch time we were able to catch up with old friends and loosen our tongues a little.

The day closed with worship in the church and the opportunity to join in some good M.U. singing.

We thank Archdeacon Richard for spending the day with us and for all his careful preparation. I would like to thank Sue for making all this possible and Sandy for the much needed cups of tea.

There will be a quiet evening in the north of the diocese in September with Archdeacon Gordon. I hope that I will meet lots of you there.

In this busy world it is so good to have some time out to spend with our Lord.

Barbara Haynes



Past Events

All Hallows Mothers’ Union 80th Anniversary Celebrations

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We celebrated our anniversary on May 17th with a special Eucharist and Tea Party.  We were joined by guests from the Diocese, branch members from the Deanery and both past and present members of our Mothers’ Union.  The service was conducted by Father Tony Lynett and the Rev Mandy Cuthbertson and most members of our branch also played a part.  We were delighted that Barbara Haynes was able to join us and she gave thanks for our branch after the presentation.  We were also pleased that there were six past branch leaders (formally enrolling members) amongst the congregation.

After the service we all enjoyed afternoon tea in the church hall and caught up with old friends.  We had displayed the photo albums for people to see and other memorabilia from the past.  A lot of fun was had remembering the past events and reminiscing.

Gwin Desborough, Branch leader

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Past Events

Peterborough Diocese “Starburst” Saturday

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The Mothers’ Union were very pleased to be offered a stand at Starburst to inform both the clergy and lay members about Mothers’ Union and especially the Away From It All holiday scheme.  We found this opportunity very valuable and were pleased to be included in this Diocesan event.

News Resources

Activity Quilts for Adults

Screenshot 2014-04-28 16.10.06When a person has dementia they may become very bewildered about their environment and often become agitated and begin plucking at their clothing. These quilts enable them to be distracted and provide a constructive activity.

The aim is to maintain finger skills with buttons, zips, ribbons and Velcro and provide stimulation and conversation topics.

The quilt must be firmly sewn to enable frequent washing.

Finished size approx 22″ x 22″ (56cm x 56cm)


  • 1 fat quarter – these are squares of fabric available from shops which sell patchwork items and are usually good quality cotton fabric
  • 1 fat quarter of fleece
  • Themed blocks 6 – 8
  • Themed decorations to include zip, button, Velcro, cord, ribbon, etc


  1. Attach the fat quarter to the fleece and stitch together firmly in a 2″ (25mm) square grid
  2. Add themed blocks. These should be reversible with tabs on bottom. They should be attached along the top edge of each themed block only
  3. Provide a tactile panel. This can be chenille or textured fabric or washable, crinkly material between layers, eg, foil lined crisp packet
  4. Add a block about 8″ square with a zip in the middle and sewn all around thus making a pocket
  5. Velcro can be attached to lower edge of tabs
  6. Add ribbons/cords. They can be incorporated by affixing very firmly to either the background fabric or a themed block, eg, tails on dog fabric, maximum length 5″
  7. Bind finished mat with double binding and ensure all stitching is secure

These quilts can be donated to hospitals and care homes where they can be used to help those suffering from dementia and also people recovering from a stroke.

Those living with and caring for those with dementia would need to check that this resource and any items sewn on/attached to it were safe to offer to someone living with dementia.

Past Events

Double Celebration

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I was very pleased to be asked to attend the service at St. Peter and St. James, Brackley for the commissioning of Judith Perkins as the new branch leader. It was also a good opportunity to thank Jill Knight for all her work in the past 6 years… enjoy a break now Jill.

At the same service I presented Marian Thompson with her long service certificate. Marian has been an active member for fifty years and has served in many capacities; currently she is a vice president.

To be invited to the parish lunch was certainly a bonus. Chris and I not only enjoyed the food but also the good company.

Barbara Haynes, Diocesan President

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